Ah you are right, sorry I remembered that incorrectly.
You could however switch to a different command like ls for simple lists of files:
async function retrieveJSON() {
let folder = "/Users/andreas/Documents";
// Construct the shell script to recursively list all files using ls
let script = `ls "${folder}"`;
let filePaths = await runShellScript({
script: script,
// Split the file paths by new line
let fileArray = filePaths.split("\n").filter(Boolean); // filter(Boolean) removes any empty lines
// Create an array of objects with filePath and fileName
let files = fileArray.map((filePath) => {
let fileName = filePath.split("/").pop(); // Extract the file name from the path
return { filePath, fileName };
let menuItems = [];
// Create the context menu items that trigger a shell script to open the file
for (let file of files) {
let item = {
title: file.fileName,
action: `js::(async () => {runShellScript({script: 'open "${folder + '/' + file.filePath}"'})})()`,
icon: `sfsymbol::doc.circle`
return JSON.stringify(menuItems);
(by the way, one of the next versions will also allow to use these scripts in floating menus to dynamically retrieve their items)