Round Robin toggles?

What's the best way to implement round robin toggles in BTT? By round robin, I mean repeatedly pressing the same button toggles between three or more items. Like a simple toggle but for more than two items. Is there a way to do this in BTT?

For example, my markdown editing program has 3 view modes: Code, Preview, Side-by-Side. I would like to press one button on my touchbar to toggle between these three modes. Whats the best way to do that?

You can use some Java Script to achieve this, have a look at my response here: Cycling through custom areas - Feature Requests - BetterTouchTool Community (

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Looks like the latest version, BetterTouchTool 3.781 (May, 14, 2021), makes this much easier!

From the release notes:

  • New predefined action: "Cycle through multiple actions (on repeated trigger)". This allows to run different actions e.g. when executing a shortcut multiple times.
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