Regex matched appearance not honouring text colour

Describe the bug
On a Shell Script/Task Widget button, the alternate appearance text colour is not being honoured. I pasted the button code into a text editor and could see the alternate colour values were the same as the standard ones.

I tried editing in the desired colour values and pasting as a new button, but the text colour remained unchanged. The background colour switches as it should

Affected input device (e.g. MacBook Trackpad, Magic Mouse/Trackpad, Touch Bar, etc.):
Stream Deck

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. (You can just paste or drag them here)

Device information:

  • Type of Mac: MacBook Pro M1
  • macOS version: macOS 13.2.1
  • BetterTouchTool version: 4.053 (2272)

Additional information (e.g. StackTraces, related issues, screenshots, workarounds, etc.):
Here is the button, as edited. The alternate appearance shows the green background (when battery level is 90%-99%) but the text is white. It should be purple.

"BTTStreamDeckButtonName" : "Battery percentage",
"BTTTriggerType" : 730,
"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Shell Script / Task Widget",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeStreamDeck",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : -1,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "No Action",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTAlternateModifierKeys" : 0,
"BTTRepeatDelay" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "28FFEF74-3E9C-4222-AA8C-DF6438289A3F",
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTOrder" : 3,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTMergeIntoTouchBarGroups" : 0,
"BTTTriggerConfig" : {
"BTTStreamDeckImageHeight" : 46,
"BTTStreamDeckTextOffsetY" : 4,
"BTTStreamDeckCornerRadius" : 12,
"BTTStreamDeckBackgroundColor" : "157.000006, 68.000004, 184.000004, 255.000000",
"BTTScriptSettings" : {
"BTTShellScriptString" : "pmset -g batt | grep 'InternalBattery' | sed -E -e 's/.+\)\t([0-9]{1,3}%).+/\1/'",
"BTTShellScriptConfig" : "/bin/zsh:::-c:::-:::",
"BTTShellScriptEnvironmentVars" : ""
"BTTStreamDeckResizeImage" : 1,
"BTTScriptUpdateInterval" : 60,
"BTTScriptNeverUpdateTitleBasedOnScriptOutput" : 0,
"BTTStreamDeckIconColor1" : "255.000000, 255.000000, 255.000000, 255.000000",
"BTTStreamDeckAlternateImageHeight" : 50,
"BTTStreamDeckDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTStreamDeckMainTab" : 1,
"BTTStreamDeckAlternateIconColor1" : "108, 33, 133, 255",
"BTTStreamDeckIconColor2" : "255, 255, 255, 255",
"BTTStreamDeckAlternateIconColor2" : "108, 33, 133, 255",
"BTTScriptRegex" : "9\d%",
"BTTStreamDeckAlternateIconColor3" : "108, 33, 133, 255",
"BTTStreamDeckImageOffsetY" : 4,
"BTTStreamDeckAlternateCornerRadius" : 12,
"BTTStreamDeckAlternateBackgroundColor" : "156.000006, 226.000002, 90.000002, 255.000000",
"BTTStreamDeckTextOffsetX" : 1,
"BTTStreamDeckIconColor3" : "255, 255, 255, 255",
"BTTStreamDeckFixedRow" : {
"BTTStreamDeckFixedCol" : "1",
"BTTStreamDeckFixedRow" : "3"
"BTTStreamDeckAppearanceTab" : 1,
"BTTStreamDeckAlternateTextOffsetY" : 3,
"BTTStreamDeckUseFixedRowCol" : 0,
"BTTStreamDeckImageOffsetX" : 1

This is still happening. I just set up a new button and it has the same issue. I can get the icon (SF Symbol) colour to change based on the regex, but the text stays in the standard format.

will be fixed with the next alpha version tomorrow!

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