Question about Touch Bar button

I have created a button to change my system volume to a specific percentage, and everything works fine, but I noticed that it doesn't show any HUD, like the Mac's own HUD, when you change the volume. Is there a way to implement that so you get some sort of confirmation that it worked?

you can use the "Show HUD Overlay" action, if you store your new volume in a variable you can also show it using that:

I already saw that, but because it doesn't work like the Mac's HUD, where you can see the bars, I didn't use that. :man_shrugging:
Maybe I will use that and add just a static icon.
Thanks anyway

only the predefined actions "volume up / down" (and the small step variants) will show the system volume hud. You could first set the volume and then trigger one of these standard actions to make the system volume show up. (or trigger a volume up followed by an immediate down action to keep the volume at the set value)

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Cool, thanks. I made your second suggestion and set the volume to a specific percentage of one percent higher and added a volume down with a small step after that. And that did the trick.

Thanks again

Hey Andreas,
I have created another volume trigger so that I can toggle between two different percentages. At the moment, I have the other volume trigger on long-press. But I thought it would be nice if you could toggle between them just with one touch instead of long-press. Is there a way to do so?
I already tried the waiting commands, but I have to define a specific amount of seconds. But I'd like to decide for myself when and how long I want to have a specific volume.

not sure I understand, do you want to set a different volume when pressing the button again / multiple times? If so, best use the meta action "Cycle through multiple actions"

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Yes, that was it.
Thanks again. :+1: