Presets messed up, can't add new triggers

I cleaned up my presets today after failing to merge two presets. I always had the "Default" one and my own one (Erics) and everything got messed up when migrating to a new computer because the default colors for presets are black and I didn't realize which triggers are in which preset. So I gave them distinct colors, removed all triggers from "Default" and readded them to my personal library "Erics". And now I don't understand it anymore at all. Check out the video:

"Default" is red, "Erics" presets are blue. As soon as I hide the "Default" preset, some apps also disappear. Please don't tell me an app itself is linked to a library and the triggers themselves also!? Or why are some apps hiding when I hide the library? There are still triggers for that app in "Erics". This doesn't make sense at all to me. Also I'm unable to add triggers. It's all messed up. Took me the whole morning.

It gets even worse: See video. New triggers overwriting old ones ...

BetterTouchTool seems to be unable to write to its database, thus changes are not saved.
Maybe some file permission error, or something is corrupted.

Have you already tried to restart BTT?

Yep, tried restarting, but didn't help. That's why I just deleted it completely, also deleted Application Support folder. Reinstalled. Reimported presets. Set default preset to "Erics". Now everything seems to be working fine again. (Thanks for the quick reply. Maybe an issue worth looking into though. ;))

Yup, especially the app thing. I think that's a bug.
Apps are indeed "per-preset", but if it contains triggers the app should automatically be added to the preset that has the gestures.

Btw. when migrating from an old computer, the easiest way is to just copy the ~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool folder over. (Copying the Application Support folders will work for many apps)

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Cool, good to know. I think for the first time since I started using BTT about 4 or so years ago, I have the feeling the next migration will be fine. :smiley: