Possible to rotate the keys?

Is it possible to rotate multiple key operations to a click or keyboard shortcut?
For example, every time you click, F6 > F7 > F8 > F6 > F7 > F8 ...

This is pretty simple using applescript, I've done something similar before, here is the thought:

  • Create 2 BTT variables, for instance, A and B.
  • Get value of A and B at the top of the applescript.
  • If A = missing value or "" && B = missing value or "" -> keytroke F6 -> set A to any value that's not empty.
  • else if A != missing value or "" && B = missing value or "" -> keytroke F7 -> set B to non-empty value.
  • else keystroke F8 -> set A and B to "" (return to F6's case)

Hope it helps