Notchify - Spotify in the Notch

top man !

I made some modification and added some cover art...
like so:

created a new button (for the cover) with your script (and modified that a bit...)
here the script:

if application "Spotify" is running then
	tell application "Spotify"
		if player state is playing then
			set currentTrack to current track
			set artistName to artist of currentTrack
			set trackName to name of currentTrack
			set albumCoverUrl to artwork url of currentTrack
			set albumCoverPath to "/Users/ADD_HERE_YOUR_USERFOLDERNAME/Documents/Pictures/Spotify_cover.png"
			do shell script "curl " & quoted form of albumCoverUrl & " -o " & quoted form of albumCoverPath
			return artistName & " - " & trackName
			return "Spotify is Paused"
		end if
	end tell
	return "                         Spotify"
end if

for the button use a background as below.
and select the path defined in the apple script
