New here...can BTT do this?

I'm new to the mac and coming from windows with Autohotkey. So far I'm struggling to automate things but was pointed in this direction.
What I'd like to do is create an onscreen virtual pad that has buttons for my most used scripts. Rather than try and remember all of the keyboard shortcuts, I have a button list of about 15 scripts that do various things, like open my note system (Logseq) and put in today's date then open up and fill in a template, or another that zips up a documents folder, and another that opens up a group of programs at once. Is this something that BTT can do?

„What I'd like to do is create an onscreen virtual pad … Rather than try and remember all of the keyboard shortcuts“

Yes, you can do that with the notch bar. These buttons are always visible and can be clicked with the mouse. Or use the touch bar, if you have one. Alternatively, you can create a custom menu With different actions that you open with only one shortcut that you have to remember.

„like open my note system (Logseq) and put in today's date then open up and fill in a template, or another that zips up a documents folder“

Probably yes.

„and another that opens up a group of programs at once.“


Nice! I started with a real basic sending of keystrokes to Logseq so that works fine. I'll dive into the notch bar and see how that might work (I have an iMac). So far, everything looks straightforward.