New BetterTouchTool UI Progress

:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

(PS ⌘C ⌘V ⌘A are disabled again - but only in the old UI)

It can still get disabled when you switch between the old one and the new one. I'll probably add a workaround for that before the final release.

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Quicken up that animation though, I see it being a bit annoying while editing stacks of triggers.

Maybe add some expo easing and making it 0.2s

unfortunately the Apple API for animating windows is kind of limited :wink:

[window setFrame:NSInsetRect( self.view.window.frame, 40, 40) display: YES animate: YES ];

But I'll check if there is a way to customize it (probably). Otherwise I'll add an option to disable the animation.

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New BTT Device Icons (Part 1)

@Andreas_Hegenberg, Here's what I got so far.

You may need to tweak some code make sure they work. I haven't gotten the mice done, that's all I have left to do. (More complex since they have curves).

I have issues with the touchbar one... Its just a little hard to see it’s details. I'll probably refine and exaggerate a fee things in Part 2.
Also, is it possible to have icons switch when dark mode is on? The screen part looks too dark right now on light mode, but if I brighten it up it'll be a massive overpowering block of colour in dark mode.

Having some issues with Drawings icon too. It has a pretty thick white outline so it’s visible in front of the colour when mouseover, but on dark mode this outline is too visible.

  • Did you need icons for Leap and the old Aluminium Apple Remote or are these depreciated?
  • Did you need a MIDI icon too?

I'll be away and unable to be online this weekend, so I may take a while to respond.

New BTT Device Icons part (19.2 KB)

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Awesome! I just created @1x versions and dropped them in in v2.754 alpha, should be online soon.

Leap & old Apple Remote are deprecated (maybe I'll add the Apple Remote if I feel like it :-D). Midi may be cool, but I could also just render one of the emojis for that (currently the emoji is just inserted as text, it should look better if I render it)

The trackpad hasn't sized well for the @1x version, but all other look great on retina and non-retina.

I'll also be unavailable for the weekend, so let's continue next week!

Pour one out for the Leap Motion consumer device.

Has long been removed from BTT (I think more than a year ago) :slight_smile: just wasn't worth the 5 people that kept using it :smiley:

Seems good to me, pretty much identical to what I had at @2x when I replaced the resources

(You can see the issues with the touchbar and drawings icons between the modes

running on a retina display it will automatically use your @2x versions.I have used a different resizing algorithm in Photoshop and now the trackpad also looks good :+1:


Magic Mouse looks too rectangular to me, just a heads up :slight_smile:

The magic mouse icon is still the old one :wink:

oh oops :smiley:

Question: will the HTML editor get the same nice pop-out treatment? :smiley:

Request: "Notes"

The "old" UI offers a column "Notes" for my triggers. I just saw that this column disappears in the new UI, and leaves us only with "Trigger Name", "Assigned Action(s)" and its configuration.

This column "Notes" is highly useful to mark what main action is associated to that trigger/activates it. You see I have a lot of them, and you get lost easily, forget on which TouchBar Button you use it etc. It also allows me to "name" easier what a trigger does especially when it runs an apple script.

I would love it if this column could find it's way to the new UI!!

Going one step beyond it would be cool to extend that function to all actions (TouchBar, Magic Mouse,…). I often forget where I added triggers for a long press for TouchBar buttons. That drives me crazy, and I'd love to be able to display the long press triggers in a fourth column (or in a third line for the new standard UI, as an extra line below "Action:").

Puppy eyes

Icons: Here come the Mice


Ahaha I guess the normal mouse is a bit too beige but for now it'll do :stuck_out_tongue: . I've got some other things to do and they took ages to shape and shade right!

Edit: You can easily tune the beige-ness of the normal mouse through adjusting the saturation in preview. Turning it all the way down looked pretty good to me

New BTT Mice (7.1 KB)

Next I'll probably refine the drawings and TouchBar icons (and maybe some others).

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@GoldenChaos the webview (and all other actions) settings will soon be integrated into the side-bar and they'll also get a popout for the editor part. Will however not be available in the first public release.

@Caliguvara the notes column has already been added, it will be available with the next alpha later today

@yuuiko awesome! I'll add them today.


Suggestion for Settings Window:

Auto-open the device settings when the gear icon is pressed
e.g. if TouchBar is active, the window will open with touchbar settings.

It has dark mode hot switching issues
Doesn't switch completly if dark mode is activated/deactivated if the settings window is open

Add a title/header to the right view
@GoldenChaos got it right :+1:

Or you could beef up the window top bezel like System Preferences too.

I see a few ancient images and icons in there, maybe sometime i'll revitalise them

Will the Notes column be optional? (Select via right click on column headers, like in Finder or iTunes.) If not, please consider making it so. :slight_smile:

I agree, this would be tremendously useful. I'd even go further and separate the named triggers from the "Others" tab (or dropdown in the new UI) into a separate category, and then wherever there is a selection box for an action, present all named triggers in the same list as the pre-defined ones, under a new heading "Named Triggers". Then named triggers would simply be handled like any other action. This would also solve the strange problem that in the Touch Bar section, you cannot assign a default action to a long press unless you first create a custom (named) trigger that does nothing else than trigger the default action.

(I also never understood why named triggers are called that and not "custom actions" – they don't define trigger conditions but actions, and what distinguishes them from pre-defined/shipped actions is not that they're named, but that they're custom... ;-))

In any case, this would probably be a significant piece of restructuring of BTT's UI logic, but I think the new UI would be the ideal opportunity to implement it. And to be honest, the current logic seems more like something tacked onto the existing BTT structure rather than a proper integration. :slight_smile:

I'd absolutely love it if that could be implemented, and I think it would also make this feature much more accessible to new or less technically inclined users.