Is it somehow possible to minimize all full-screen apps?
I often give presentations, and plug in my computer to external screens, and don't really fancy showing the audience glimpses of whatever I was doing last night
Is it somehow possible to minimize all full-screen apps?
I often give presentations, and plug in my computer to external screens, and don't really fancy showing the audience glimpses of whatever I was doing last night
yes make 2 actions 1 wtth advanced conditons is fullscreen=1 and another where the opposite so fullscreen=0. Setup a gestue or keyboard shortcut, same for both and. then with the fullscreen=0 add normal minimize window/app action or whatever action is called. Then for when fullscreen is already activated so minimize wont work immediately so 1st add Fullscreen action to make minimize possible, then add a delay action i think .2 is default should suffice. Then insert minimize action and tah dah you should be able to do same gesture or keyboard shortcut and window will minimize. whether or not fullscreen.
thats what i do at least....hope it helps
Thanks for the input!
I'm having trouble with the "Minimize window under cursor" - it doesn't work on full screen apps. "Zoom window under cursor" seems to somewhat do the trick.
However I then have to activate each fullscreen app.
I reckon I can make an action to minimize all fullscreen apps in one go... of to trying some more
yah thats why you make 2 actions for minimize app-1 for when fullscreen is active aka =1 where you have to add Fullscreen Action first((to make app NOT fullscreen) then add a delay and then add the minimize action. So 3 actions on. that one.
Now make another minimize. action with. SAME. trackpad gesture or shortcut as the 1st one but this one only add action Minimze Hovered App etc.
Now here is the important bit so you can have same. gesture do different actions when fullscreen is active. and you dont get a duplicate gesture errror.
here is an example but for different action swap expose for minimize. Also a shorter delay may be possible for minimize action, for my purpose .9 worked best IIRC but default is .2 and you can try and see what time works best for you