Hey there,
I have 2 macs and use BTT on both to use keyboard sequences (typed words) and shortcuts.
The last upgrades it is like this when i type my trigger word e.g. ABC, BTT then deletes the ABC(which i can see and is very slow) and inserts the actual sequence.
I didnt change any setting.
I always have to downgrade to an older versions...nut sure when it began...
Any clue why this happens? Im using inserv via cmd+v so this makes no sense and normally this behavrious is happening when using "typing" as insert method....
which version of BTT are you on? There was an issue that might have caused slower pasting, but this has been fixed a while ago already
Note always mention the last version you tried, the bug report template is not there just for fun. There are many different update channels and places to get BTT from and it's not clear which version you refer to when saying "last version"
Im on 4.492.
I just found out that the problem seems to be a specific app
I use this for citrix a whole lot ...
when e.g. installing older Version 4.438 it works flawlessly.
Im not sure what the last working version is...
ah that makes sense. Unfortunately the change that were necessary for macOS 14.4 are not really compatible with Citrix because it handles key events different than other normal apps. I currently don't have a solution for that ;-(
Can you tell me which is the last working version ? I dont have a problem using an older Version.
I now installed 4.440 on my other mac which also works..
4.440 should be pretty good!
The macOS 14.4 changes start happening after that .
Thanks for info!
Is there still no solution for this? Tried newest version but still....
No, I think this would need to be fixed in Citrix... which is unlikely to happen.
I don't know if this might help you, but if you block the keyboard before you enter your strings, then nothing needs to be undone because nothing is typed.
what you mean by "block keyboard"?
I think I remember that Andreas wrote a short introduction to it, but I can't find it anymore.
Anyway, there is a predefined action that blocks the keyboard, then you type what you want and at the end of that sting you insert the opposite action (re-enable keyboard).
This way nothing is typed in the front app, so nothing needs to be deleted. I don't know if this solves your problem. I mention this because you say that deleting the characters is particularly slow.
Hey again. im still using version 4.440 because every new version doesnt fix the problem...
Something has changed within BTT because wie versiond before it worked....
any clue?!i can disable keyboard because i have to type different stuff before or during auto input of BTT.....
Sorry, citrix support will probably never come back. Citrix would need to fix it in their app.