Is there a possibility to test an action following a keyboard shortcut and then decide to revert to the system default (passthrough) if needed?


I'd like to know if it is possible to create an action that do stuff and test for specific parameters upon pressing a keyboard shortcut, and following that test, revert to the default macOS action for that shortcut if necesssary? In other words, I'm looking for some sort of passthrough over a condition.

As I understand it, BTT can intercept keystrokes, but I don't know if it can release them and allow a default passthrough under some conditions.

Please let me know!



BTT doesn't actually turn off the system default so turning on the gesture then off will just put the system default back as priority

@frankmak however BTT catches keyboard shortcuts if they are configured even if their conditions mean the assigned actions won’t be executed.

You can either use if conditions or you can setup a copy of the shortcut with the negated conditions. Then in the action sequence you just make it send the shortcut itself - thereby passing it through to the system

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Thanks @Andreas_Hegenberg !

On another setting, what If I'm not using a keyboard shortcut as a trigger though? For instance, if I use the "Leftclick Red Window Button" trigger, then make some tests within if statements, would I be able to default to the app/system behavior if I choose so? In this case, depending of the app, I cannot just return "⌘W", because on a "For All Apps" basis, not all apps process the red window button the same way.