Hi. I'm using BTT to create keyboard shortcuts (right option + number keys) to launch various apps. This works well as follows:
When I trigger a shortcut to launch an app, it either:
- Opens the app on its original desktop, or
- Takes me to whatever desktop the app is already open on
However, I would like to have one particular app (Finder) so that it opens or shows the app on the current display (monitor) and desktop where my mouse cursor is located when triggered.
I've tried:
- Using BTT's "Activate/Bring to Front Window Under Cursor" action after the Launch Application action
- Experimenting with AppleScript options
None of these attempts have achieved what I'm looking for. The app either launches on its original space or pulls me to wherever it's already open.
Is there a way to achieve this behaviour in BTT? I'd appreciate any suggestions or workarounds.