Hide clipboard buttons on the right

So essentially I would just like to hide the buttons or make them smaller on the right of the clipboard (standard, plain text etc.) while expanded. I almost never use them and they just clutter and take up a lot of unnecessary space in my opinion.

Is there any way of achieving this?

Not as far as I know. But you can hide the two right-hand columns and enlarge the left-hand column so that you can see more of the clipboard content.

But speaking of that, I also wouldn't mind if you could hide the right-hand column.

Yeah, I like keeping it extended as I often have larger chunks of texts or images in my clipboard that I can easily view in the edit area. But enlarging the left column is also useful.

Do you know whether there is any option to toggle hide/show the right hand colum using a keyboard shortcut?

there is no option to hide these. A redesign of the clipboard manager is planned, will still take a bit though.

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Ok, great. Looking forward to it.

Also, I wanted to ask, is there any way to copy a specific item number from the clipboard? For example if I press cmd + shift + v to open my clipboard, and then I want to copy/paste the 4th item. With many other clipboard apps there is a shortcut for that (such as opt or cmd + the itemnumber). Can we do this with BTT?

it can be done but is a bit complicated to set up at the moment. If you import this preset you can use cmd+1 - cmd+5 to choose from the first 5 items

clipboardmanager.bttpreset (13.1 KB)

You can modify the shortcuts by selecting the "Clipboard Manager Active" CAG from the left sidebar in BTT (after importing the preset):

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That doesn't seem particularly complicated to me. I'm just wondering if you could attach a floating menu to the clipboard manager window that numbers the clipboards. Then you wouldn't have to count them.

it’s complicated due to how the CAG works :slight_smile:

Overlaying with a floating menu should be possible

In the latest alpha I have started working on the clipboard manager. The button bar is now at the bottom. It doesn't yet contain the custom transformers, these will be added back with the next alpha along with reordering functionalities.

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In the meantime, the custom transformers are still available in the context menu when you right-click on an item.

P.S. Andreas, this first update to the redesign is looking good!

Yeah, I definitely prefer that look. The bottom bar is much cleaner and minimalistic. An option to completely hide it or an option to select which ones you want to see would be even better in my opinion.

When referring to the latest alpha version, do you mean version 4.928 from here Index of /releases ?

4.929 alpha now adds back custom transformers and adds the ability to reorder items by dragging or hiding them by right-clicking

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Sorry, I haven't understood that yet.

What do you mean by "reorder items by dragging or hiding them by right-clicking"?

Clicking and dragging does not move an item and right-clicking opens a menu.

I mean the items/buttons in the bottom bar
(only tested on macOS 15 so far)

Ah, I see. Yes, it also works with os 13. I thought you meant reordering the the clipboards. That would be very useful, by the way. :slightly_smiling_face: