2 options [Disable trackpad gesture after hitting keyboard key] and [Renable gesture after touching the center of the trackpad] are not working. Can disable physical click on trackpad for avoiding unexpected click?

Can disable physical click on trackpad?
BTT is super nice, but once I physical click by wrist or palm unexpectedly when I typing, typed sentences are inputted where unexpected position. I strongly feel physical click should be disabled.

Or is there any way to avoid this?

hi have the same issue.
there is a "Disable trackpad gesture after hitting keyboard key" function, but it doesn't seem to work. Even "Renable gesture after touching the center of the trackpad" does not work on my late 2016 MacBook Pro 13" with big sure and bettertouchtool 2.428.
Have you tried these?

yes, I already tried the both 2 functions, but as the same these functions seems not to work on my Mac Book Pro 16 inch.

ok, I transfer this to Bug Reports from Discussion&Question.

xcode or something is needed for running BTT?

this option only applies to btt gestures. The system trackpad can not be disabled by BTT unfortunately


Ouch, too bad.
I guess that upgrading the app wouldn't do the trick...

We need change BIOS setting if the option is provided, I guess.

Hello Andreas,
Seems you are Admin of this community, so I would like to contact to you.

Could you please update BTT for changing the settings regarding this thread? I suppose it is important for developers and users to improve usability because current trackpad is too huge so much causes mis-click by palm and mis-recognition thumb for scroll, drag and drop. BTT should be best way to resolve this issue. I love mac as the same as developers on this community, but current mac's mis-clickable trackpad decrease productivity for working or developing.

Current size trackpad is equipped since 2015, Apple should resolve this but still not. This will not be resolved for long time as the same as butterfly keyboard issue.

Appreciate your considering.
Thank you,