GoldenChaos-BTT: The complete Touch Bar UI replacement

New experimental version! Quite a few changes in this one.

GoldenChaos-BTT 2.610

  • Dramatic energy and CPU usage improvements
  • Preset no longer requires High Sierra Media Key Enabler
  • Moved to native Now Playing widget, deprecated previous Now Playing widgets
  • iTunes and Spotify Actions are now combined into a single Now Playing Actions group
  • Added GC-BTT settings modal
    • Enable the GC-BTT Settings button inside of BetterTouchTool, then tap it to access settings
    • Easily toggle between using combo and normal esc keys across the preset
    • Includes button to hide the settings button when you're done
    • More settings to come, feel free to suggest some!
    • Also, someone please suggest a keyboard shortcut to trigger the settings modal :stuck_out_tongue:

Known issues

  • Trying to view 7-Day Forecast crashes BTT for some reason @Andreas_Hegenberg
  • Chrome Now Playing no longer works because it is not supported by the native Now Playing widget; I may re-include Now Playing widgets for unsupported apps


New GC-BTT settings button (disabled by default)

Toggle all the things (just two things for now)

Fullscreen buttons automatically added to UI when using normal esc keys

Normal esc key works everywhere!

Customized layouts like this can now be set up in just a few seconds.

Download: GoldenChaos-BTT 2.610