Floating menu script not always updating and getting stuck. Restarting BTT fixes.

I might have found the issue - and fixed it in v4.864 alpha which is available now!

Andreas, thanks for this. Is there a way to install the alpha version alongside the stable one? I won't run both at the same time, just to install alpha version and import the exported preset + settings to test it. I'm not ready mentally if this update to alpha break my existing setup.


not really but if you note down the version you are currently using you can always just downgrade to that (Index of /releases )

BTT keeps the database files for the last few versions (you can also always just backup ~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool

Alpha works since 2 days :grinning:

I have a bug with the floating menu since I updated to 866 and 867, which didn't fix the problem. Sometimes my floating menu appears on its own without being triggered, and it stays on the screen. The only way to remove it is to restart BTT.

Is it set to show only via action?

no, visible on launch

visible on launch will also cause it show up when the floating menu environments get updated or reset (e.g. when making changes to the config), can you describe your usecase for having „visible on launch“ but not making it always visible?

normally I use Shift + Fn to trigger my floating menu; if I release it, the menu disappears. Since the 866, I don't know why, but even if I press Shift + Cmd, the floating menu launches and remains open. like if i press shift Fn
i downgraded to 843 and everything work fine

I‘ll have a look!

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@emm_gr I think I found the issue and fixed it in 4.868 alpha (uploading now)


i think its working fine now thank you very much :clap:t3: do you have any news for the upcoming remote app?

Yes, yesterday I have received an entitlement from Apple which was one of the last things I needed to start the public beta phase. Most floating menu features now work on the mobile app. I'll hopefully finally get to release a first version next week.


Oh wow, awesome! That’s good news! cant wait to use my old ipad :grin:

Let's hope it is supported, which version of iOS is it running?

It's an iPad Pro 2018, and I have iOS 18 on it, so that's fine; it just doesn't hold a charge anymore.

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great! (with SwiftUI it's really hard to support older iOS versions than 16/17 because so many important features were only added recently)


Thats sad, because nearly everyone has the problem, with what to do with old hardware that works top, but not supported by apple anymore. As second screen, remote control or music player are the most solutions.

yep, unfortunately Apple doesn’t provide any backwards compatibility for this stuff and it doesn’t make sense for me to start a new app on an old tech stack ;-(

On BTT version: 4.867 floating menus were updating, however on 4.871 they again stopped. If I duplicate the menu item, it is showing the correct value, for that specific point in time, however when update should happen it does not.

At the moment in order to force a specific item to start showing the correct value from the script I need to click "Run Script On Menu Hover", however I'm not actually hovering it and when I do - nothing happens, the menu is not updated, but only if I disable or enable "Run Script On Menu Hover".