Floating Menu Alpha Development Thread

Honestly, I'd rather not try again. I now use only positive values and have no problems.

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Mmm, I have just switched to version 4.096. Apparently the modifier detection and disabling no longer works.

  • The button "Global shift" should only be visible when pressing shift, but is always visible.
  • "Glob max" is disabled, but still visible.

I just added disabled item exclusion to 4.099, but the modifiers seem to work fine here. How do the modifier settings of your global shift button look like?

Yes, inactive ones are not visible now. Thank you.

And as for the modifiers. All good. Sorry :hot_face:I just keep forgetting to activate that properly.

This way


NOT this way


Have you perhaps considered offering a GUI for the entire thing? I can imagine something like the Paneleditor in macOS being suitable for that.

Would be nice and I have experimented with HTML based ones, but such editors are an enormous amount of work and are really hard to integrate into BTT's core concepts. So I'm afraid this most likely will never happen (inside of BTT).

Understood. Is there a way to create such a panel in, for example, macOS or any other software, and then export it, importing at least the distribution and size of the buttons in BTT? The reason behind this is that I find it quite time-consuming to determine the correct dimensions and pixel sizes until a menu visually aligns as desired. It involves a lot of trial and error.

In theory yes, but who would create such an app? :slight_smile:
The basic structure of the data is very simple. E.g. this json below can just be pasted into a menu in BTT to create two items.

The only relevant properties that would need to be generated appropriately in order to describe the layout are
"BTTMenuItemMaxWidth" ,

and the order in the Array.

These would need to respect the size of the menu and the layout direction.

    "BTTTriggerType" : 773,
    "BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Standard Item",
    "BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeFloatingMenu",
    "BTTEnabled" : 1,
    "BTTMenuConfig" : {
      "BTTMenuElementIdentifier": "A",
      "BTTMenuItemVisibleWhileActive" : 1,
      "BTTMenuItemVisibleWhileInactive" : 1,
      "BTTMenuItemBackgroundColor" : "100.000, 100.000, 100.000, 255.000",
      "BTTMenuItemBackgroundType" : 4,
      "BTTMenuItemMinWidth" : 100,
      "BTTMenuItemMaxWidth" : 200,
      "BTTMenuItemMinHeight" : 100,
      "BTTMenuItemMaxHeight" : 200,
      "BTTMenuItemDisplayOrder" : 0
    "BTTTriggerType" : 773,
    "BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Standard Item",
    "BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeFloatingMenu",
    "BTTEnabled" : 1,
    "BTTMenuConfig" : {
      "BTTMenuElementIdentifier": "B",
      "BTTMenuItemVisibleWhileActive" : 1,
      "BTTMenuItemVisibleWhileInactive" : 1,
      "BTTMenuItemBackgroundColor" : "100.000, 100.000, 100.000, 255.000",
      "BTTMenuItemBackgroundType" : 4,
      "BTTMenuItemMinWidth" : 100,
      "BTTMenuItemMaxWidth" : 200,
      "BTTMenuItemMinHeight" : 100,
      "BTTMenuItemMaxHeight" : 200,
      "BTTMenuItemDisplayOrder" : 0

That's way above my pay grade :wink: I just looked at the export of a panel editor file and noticed that parts of it are an XML file - but I have not the slightest clue if there can be any valuable data extracted from there. Guess I'm back to square one.

Ah you were thinking about using the existing panel editor. I don't think the output of that would be helpful because afaik it uses fixed layouts and is most likely not easy to convert.

One thing that might become possible in the future would be a mode that allows resizing items by dragging them directly in the rendered menu (after they have been added in BTT). It's still complicated, probably reordering won't be easily possible - but resizing them might be viable.

Count me in!

I have a floating menu that should always be above the menu bar. But sometimes it slips, then it looks like this.

How can I prevent this? Maybe I have the wrong settings.

Should I change something? Thanks!

mh should be similar to the Notch Menu I'm using. Have you been able to find when it jumps to a wrong position? Are you sure it's not accidentally being dragged down? (I'll add a option to completely disable dragging tomorrow)

Does the predefined action "Re-position floating menu" set it back to its correct position?

I am sure that this is not the case.

Which menu does it re-position? All? You cannot select a floating menu name with this action. And no, I do it manually.

Currently it would try to reposition all of them, but this won't help if there is a bug in the repositioning code :slight_smile:

Do you have multiple displays connected?

yes, This is what the menu looks like after connecting/ disconnecting an external monitor to the Macbook.

Now I can't even bring it to the previous size and the buttons seem to be gone :confused:

Maybe this will help with troubleshooting just noticed that the option has changed from horizontal to vertical.

The current alpha added a resize option which might be disabled for previously created items:

(might currently require to switch to a different app after changing this)

Ok thanks, was able to restore everything. But unfortunately this happens so often.

Will look into it tomorrow! Should hopefully be easy to reproduce. If possible maybe export the menu and send it to me (andreas@folivora.ai).