Just to let you know. For some reason the "modifier thing" works perfectly with all modifiers except opt.
With opt I have to click two or four times until the action is executed. No problem, I use the other modifiers.
Just to let you know. For some reason the "modifier thing" works perfectly with all modifiers except opt.
With opt I have to click two or four times until the action is executed. No problem, I use the other modifiers.
what have you been trying to do with opt? I can't think of any difference compared to the oder modifiers
Nothing in particular. I am experimenting with HUD, with all modifiers. And only with opt it does not work, although the buttons appear normally
Will the widgets be supporting Getting data from APIs and Webhooks? [Including Images]
Will we have some native widgets? [Since MacOs Sonoma now supports Widgets]
yes you can run java script & apple script to retrieve any data. I’ll post some examples soon.
The Sonoma widgets are something different, they are not related to this feature
Thanks Andreas!
Looking forward to that !
Will I be able to display a Graph with data from a Webhook?
I have just tested several features of the new function for a while. In the midst of it, BTT crashed and cannot be loaded anymore. A system restart was also unsuccessful. What should I do?
It repeatedly tries to restart itself. The icon appears at the top, either briefly or for a longer duration, enabling the execution of some functions, such as Streamdeck. Then it disappears again.
I have successfully disabled the "FLOAT-Preset" amidst one of these fleeting life moments. Presently, BTT seems to have regained its stability.
MacBook Pro
16*, 2021
Chip Apple M1 Pro
macOS Ventura 13.4
Here are some observations from the tests I conducted before the crash.
The ability to freely move windows doesn't seem to work for me. I was able to get it to work briefly, but then it disappeared again.
The arrangement of actions within the windows appears to be completely random. I can't see any pattern behind it, whether it's based on menu order, alphabetical order, or even using numbers to achieve a desired result.
Aside from that, I find the concept very interesting, and once it becomes somewhat stable, I'm sure many useful workflows can be created.
Would be great if you could check the console app for any crash report!
In case you run into something like this again you can try to enable safe mode with this terminal command (needs to be disabled again later, because during safe mode, no actions are triggered):
defaults write com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool BTTSafeModeEnabled YES
The order of items is based on the order in the BTT UI, have a look at some of the example presets posted above. In addition it can be overidden by using the "display order" property (but usually you don't need that)
Then it depends on the layout you chose. If you choose "horizontal" BTT will try to fit as many items into a column as possible with the defined menu & item size. After the column is full it will add the next column (expanding to the right).
If you choose "vertical" BTT will try to fit as many items into a row as possible, if the row is full it will continue with the next row (expanding downwards). The example presets above show some of that.
With these two layout options I have been able to get basically any possible menu layout to work. Sometimes you might need to add transparent placeholder items if you want to achieve very specific positioning.
For free move: menus can only be dragged by their background. So clicking & dragging on an item will not work, but dragging the background should always work (even for non-free move, for free move it will just remember that position and not snap back to the defined position).
Should I send you one of these logs via email?
That would be great, you can send as many of them as possible to andreas@folivora.ai
I have tried out all of these arrangements, but none of them have resulted in any changes.
One little issue: if you change the order, the menu will only update that after switching to another app and back. This will be fixed with the next alpha
//edit: reordering is now fixed with 4.078 alpha
4.080 alpha fixes item sorting for app-specific menus and some crashes with the vertical layout. Thanks @SLE for providing the crashlogs.
@SLE 4.081 alpha adds new option "Keep menu expanded after hovering, shrink via action"
Aditionally it adds predefined actions "Deactivate Simulated Hover For Floating Menu", "Activate Simulated Hover For Floating Menu" and , "Toggle Simulated Hover For Floating Menu". So now you can keep the menu expanded until you press a specific button:
The possibilities are becoming more and more diverse and complex. That's great, but I'll never be able to remember it all.
Maybe for the future I'll add an advanced mode with all options and a simple mode with just the basics
In one of the next steps I'll put together various example menus and go through them in a quick video. If people know that some stuff is possible, they will eventually find the options to do it
It would be great if you would offer more sample menus as downloadable presets. Like you have already done with some.
Such templates help (me) enormously to understand and develop something further.
@Brahim here is a quick example that displays the current bitcoin price loaded via Java Script (requires v4.083):
bitcoin.bttpreset (22.1 KB)
However currently only text & graphics can be rendered, so displaying a chart would only be possible if your web request returns such a graphic. In the future I could add simple widgets for SwiftCharts (Swift Charts | Apple Developer Documentation).
Currently only text & images can be displayed.
I just tried it, but it shows like this:
(Just Blank, same thing if I hover)
The Notch test works sometimes, but sometimes it disappears for a while, then returns...
If I disable it and enable it again, it takes some time, sometimes it shows sometimes it doesn't.
The scripts examples crash, I used it to change volume, but when I click on it, 3 seconds later it crashes and BTT stops working.