Comment (Does Nothing Else)

:+1: Thanks for adding the Comment action.

I know it specifically says "Does Nothing Else" but could you make the comments clickable if they contain a URL — I document my automations in Obsidian, so it would be so nice to be able to link to the relevant document using the Obsidian URL scheme, as I do in Keyboard Maestro comments.


hi @Ferrers, have you heard of the macOS app called Hookmark? I think it will help you a lot.

Thank you fortred2 for that thoughtful suggestion — I'm aware of Hookmark and have not required its service so far, as I've been able to perform all my linkings through URL schemes. But you got me thinking… PopClip came to mind, but its built in Link function only supports a few URL schemes, so before going further down that Rabbit hole, I thought I'd take a closer look at BetterTouchTool…

Under the Utility Actions is Open URL/Open URL With Selection when triggered with the value %@ it'll do "as it says on the can"… :+1:

Now I can have my URL, perhaps with a :link: emoji preceding it, for visibility, select the text then press a Stream Deck button or other trigger, and we're off!

That said, native click-ability would be better.

Thanks for getting my brain into gear.