"Close All Notification Alerts / Notification Center" is not working on macOS Sequoia 15.0

It's just not working anymore for me?

I’ll check maybe something with the localization fails for is_is :man_shrugging:

I reverted it:
defaults read NSGlobalDomain AppleLocale

so that doesn't seem to be the problem. Running scripts just gives missing value:

don't know what shared secret is. shortcut action doesn't work either.

languages only fully change after restarting macOS - especially notification center is pretty annoying in that regard.

I’ll try later, currently not in my Mac

Already restarted and shut down for good measure. Only locale I have is with excel can't imagine that's doing anything:

defaults read NSGlobalDomain AppleLocale
defaults read com.microsoft.Excel AppleLocale


weird, then it must be stuck somewhere else. Do other Apple Scripts still work for you?

just in general? yeah definitely

Hey, didn't even realize this action existed but I like it!

I am wondering, does the notification "drawer" have to be open for notifications to be closed automatically? Is there a way to close notifications without having to open that?

My problems never get solved on here :smiling_face_with_tear:

Don’t know how to upvote but I have the same problem.