Change Icon color when a menu bar option is shown

I am trying to make a custom touch bar for Zoom Meetings and one of the buttons that I want is a mute microphone button. In Zoom, there is an "Unmute Audio" menu bar item if you are muted. Is there a way for me to make the microphone button turn red if the "Unmute Audio" button is there? Thanks.

tell application "BetterTouchTool"
	update_trigger "C4CCFBEA-4F87-44BA-8FC3-23EB1A0967FE" json "{
			 \"BTTTriggerConfig\" : {
 				 \"BTTTouchBarButtonColor\" : \"110.000001, 193.000004, 56.000000, 255.000000\"

end tell

You can add this AppleScript action when you press the button to change it's colour.

The C4CCFBEA-4F87-44BA-8FC3-23EB1A0967FE is the UUID of the button of which you want to change the colour. You can get this by right clicking on the TB button and copying the UUID. Then set the colour and you're done.