Can't select/de-select calendars when BTT is active

Using built-in Calendars or alternatives (BusyCal, possibly Outlook too but I'm less sure) I can't hide or show calendars. The only way I can select or hide calendars is to quit BTT altogether. Is this a bug?

MacBook Pro, 15.2

I can hide my calendars fine, in general BTT doesn't do anything with your calendar apps unless configured to.

Can you maybe share a video of what is happening?

Sorry, that's beyond me! However, I tried a restart just to see if that would help and the problem's still there.

Looking further it's to do with Resize Active Window to Specific Position and Size. If the Calendar window is moved from that chosen position I can select specific calendars; but in that position they don't all work (though some do...)

could there maybe be an invisible overlay at that position that blocks clicks? Do you have a floating menu or webview configured in BTT?

You can try dragging some other window at that position and see if it still reacts to clicks

Not as far as I'm aware. I think the problem was that the Calendar window was simply too close to a floating window, and once I moved the window further away from the floating menu all worked again. If I move the Calendar back manually to being too close to the floating menu, again various app buttons stop working.

Now sorted, thanks.