Button with dynamic logo

Refer to this thread which got it working for me. I'm not a coder and can manage playing around with applescript and such but mostly through trial and error. It seems because nordvpn is ike2 (no idea, different from most standard vpn types?) scutil does not work to enable/disable or even check the vpn's status.

I messed around and shortened the code a little...works fine so far. As Northeastpaw mentioned, you're checking the state of vpn connection and enabling it if it's off and disabling if it's on. And then an additional action to refresh the button so you won't have to wait the 5 seconds or whatever number of seconds you set to rerun the script over and over. I set it to wait 0.35 seconds as it takes about 0.25 to 0.3 seconds for nordvpn to switch states.

Screens attached on what I did. Let me know if you need another noob to figure it out with you lol