BTT prompts for downloading new update even though update was downloaded and installed

When I check for alpha version updates, I get prompted to download the same update--even after installing the update. 3.9993 is not actually installing?

Here is the prompt and the about box showing version number

Seems to work fine here. Is the app in your Applications folder? (

Yes it is in the apps folder. I've gone through several repeated updates over the past few days as shown above without it taking effect.

I just did it again now and it appears to be working properly. I don't know what caused or fixed it. Thanks for checking in on this!

Hi Andreas,

This happened again. I found that I solve the issue by quitting BTT (CMD + Q), relaunching the app from Applications folder, and then checking for updates.

Previously, I always have BTT running, checking for updates, and the actual update doesn't happen even though I have clicked the install and reopen button once the download completes. No matter how many times I repeated the update with BTT open this prompted for update.

do you maybe have a copy somewhere else on your system that might have launched automatically? That would explain why it works if you open directly from the Application folder

I don't see any other copies besides the Applications folder. I'm running Monterey 12.6 if that matters regarding any OS security/app permissions.

I do have your "ExampleStreamDeck.bttpreset" preset sample imported in BTT from the Downloads folder. Could that be the cause of the issue? Do preset files have to be in a friendlier location for the app?