BTT menu doesn't contain "Snap Areas" item

Do I need to do something to enable the "Snap Areas" menu item to appear?

Make sure you haven't accidentally disabled the snap area feature:

I don't have that checkbox checked. Maybe I don't understand how it is supposed to work. Here is what I tried.

  1. Select an app window on monitor 2 that I want to be the snap area.
  2. On the BTT menu, select Snap Areas ... Create New Snap Area (Use Active Window As Template).
  3. This adds a "Click here ..." box in the center of all my monitors, not on the active window. Maybe this is the problem.
  4. Click the "Click here" box on monitor 2.
  5. Drag the snap area over the existing window on monitor 2 with the desired location and size.
  6. Click the "Press to exit" box to exit defining snap areas.
  7. Drag a window to the snap area on monitor 2.
  8. The window jumps to monitor 1.

which btt version are you using?