BTT 5.0 version cause Better Touch Tool to crash unexpectedly

So far, BTT (BetterTouchTool) hasn't integrated the scrolling settings from BetterMouseTool. That's why I have to run both apps at the same time. Without BetterMouse, the mouse wheel on a Mac just doesn't work properly.

In the older versions of BTT, BetterMouseTool would cause the scrolling customization in BTT to stop working. For example, I had set the wheel up to increase the volume, and when I realized that this feature in BTT wasn’t working, I had to restart the BetterMouseTool software.

But with the latest version of BTT, BetterMouseTool crashes intermittently. It seems like these two apps have a hard time coexisting. Is there any other solution for the mouse wheel issue?

sorry I don’t know anything about an app called BetterMouseTool, I think you might be confusing some apps (?)

Oh, the app is called BetterMouse, you can find it at Without this software, the mouse scroll wheel is almost unusable...

I think the crashing issue you should report to them, but maybe create a feature request here for the exact features you’d need in BTT.