Bartender controversy, tutorial on how to manage menubar status items via BTT

I’m all in on BTT. I’ve tried Hidden. It works but has not been updated in quite a while. I emailed them with a question and so far no reply. Andreas on the other hand replied literally within minutes. I feel the same about Ice. I’d rather support a known, long-standing Mac developer.

Nothing bad about Ice though, it seems to be in very active development!

About ordering your menu - do you know you can just cmd+drag the items in the menubar?

How did you get it to work without the main BTT icon? It doesn't work for me after I stop showing it..

thanks a lot for the hint. :see_no_evil:
As you mentioned, you are also working on the functionality to have a popup menue bar via floating menue, right? If this could be enabled on an easy way it would be realy useful. :+1:

I have a problem with that. Each time I'm holding command, the BTT custom icons disappear:

BTT Icons

Any help? TIA

mh I'd guess you either still have some other menubar management tool enabled that does this, or you have configured an action for holding CMD in BTT.

Can you check whether something is showing up in the "Recently Used" section when holding CMD?

v4.575 fixes a few issues with the preset shared above, especially on larger screens.

I now also have working proof of concepts for all features that have been requested so far

  • Showing the items in a bar below the menubar
  • Monitoring items for changes
  • Unhiding specific items on changes

These will become available in the next few days


I tried your preset and set it to 2 seconds, but it doesn't hide automatically. I still have to click on the notch to hide the icon. Is there something else I should be doing?

the double-click menubar action only hides the items that have been hidden via these items:

If you want to auto-hide with the notch click, you need to add the delay action there as well - but I think for this it would need dedicated hide / show actions, not the current toggle action. I'll add those.

I might have been wrong about that part - it may need to be enabled for any of this to work. But, if that icon is hidden/shown along with the rest of the icons when the action is activated, and the custom menu bar icon is always there to trigger, it may just be something to live with for now.

oh i see, many thanks

I initially uninstalled Bartender upon the fiasco coming about, but now that the original developer has put up a post that explained what happened and the only known differences so far have been the app’s signing certificate change and some new code for app telemetry, I put it back on until I see any hard evidence of anything nefarious. I still use BTT for other things anyway, so it isn’t going anywhere and will still be a possible alternative if things do go bad.

Let‘s see how the future of Bartender looks like. At the moment I will keep it deinstalled on my MacBook and my hope is, that BTT shortly integrate something similar without a complex configuration via script snippets etc.
Let’s see.

Hi Andreas,

I deactivated as many applications as possible in the menu bar and left all the applications open. I still have the same problem, and I've noticed that it's not just with the CMD button, but also with OPT, CTRL and SHIFT. As soon as I press one of these keys, the icons disappear.

And I don't see anything suspicious in the Recently Used tab. Strange!

Do you maybe have CMD set to disable BTT?

//edit ah no, then it wouldn't happen with all other keys

Did you maybe change anything here?

Finally, I found the culprit. It's the BTT - Overflow Icons preset that I've downloaded here:

When I deactivate it, no more problems. When I reactivate it, the problem reappears. However, I don't understand why.

I think I now have a really simple but super flexible working approach for the item bar and also a better way of hiding & showing items.

I won't have much time this weekend but it should become available on Monday or Tuesday :slight_smile:

All based on a custom floating menu, thus super customizable.


:open_mouth: Can't wait!

How would you make it available? Is it required to update BTT or is everything based on a template which you provide. To be honest, it‘s not completely clear how it works with the templates. But maybe I will find some minutes on the weekend to check deeper in your BTT documentation.