Hi There, I'm looking to add a pop-up type action that prompts a "Are You Sure? CANCEL / YES" type of question to proceed or cancel.
you can use the "Run Apple Script (blocking)" action:
set theDialogText to "An error has occurred. Would you like to continue?"
set dialogResult to display dialog theDialogText buttons {"Don't Continue", "Continue"} default button "Continue" cancel button "Don't Continue"
if button returned of dialogResult is "Continue" then
-- Code to execute if "Continue" was pressed
display dialog "You chose to continue!"
-- Code to execute if "Don't Continue" was pressed (optional, since Cancel already stops the script)
display dialog "You chose not to continue."
end if
I'll add a native action for these sort of dialogs.
Thanks! This is pretty close to working for me. However, when I click "Don't Continue", the actions keep running.
you could use the „if script returns true“ control flow action, or alternatively call named triggers from the apple script