Apple Script Stopped working

Before bug reporting, please make sure you have tried the latest (alpha) version of BetterTouchTool and that you have already tried to restart your system :-). If you encounter a crash, please attach a crash log from the macOS from the "User Diagnostic Reports" section.

I have a couple apple scripts. The ones that trigger applications still work but recently the ones that trigger apple scripts no longer work.

**Affected input device: Mac Keyboard

Device information:

  • Type of Mac: Mac Mini 2018
  • macOS version: 15.1.1
  • BetterTouchTool version: version 5.00 (I had the same problem on 4.99 as well)

No additional information.

Does it work if you run it in Apple's Script Editor?
Could be a permission issue. In general BTT just forwards the scripts to the system, given the permissions are OK it should behave the same as when being run from Script Editor.

Indeed, there was an error in Apple Script editor. A little searching online and entering command lines in terminal uncovered that I had an issue with part of my homebrew installation - specifically SwitchAudioSource. I reinstalled homebrew & SwitchAudioSource and now it work. Thank you!