Any way to create complex widgets for touch bar with custom graphics

Hi! Really like what BTT does, but I what some more custom functionalities.

For now, what I want to get:

  1. Widget for switching between desktops/spaces with desktops preview
  2. better sound control, with like/dislike buttons for in-browser music: e.g. soundcloud, youtube music, spotify... and custom actions/interactions/graphics

Better Touch Tool provides option to create custom trigger with Apple/js/shell scripts, but they are very limited. It's very tricky to create few "buttons" using single script, create complex ui, and run task in background not as repeated executions of script.

So I wonder, if there any option to write custom widgets, like some extension/library/plugin? E.g. being able to create own Dock widget

It’s possible, but it requires native Swift or Objective-C code: GitHub - folivoraAI/BetterTouchToolPlugins: Development of BetterTouchTool Plugins

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Got it, thanks!!!