I have bought a BIG monitor recently
I connect this monitor to my macbook pro, with the lip closed.
So I always use only one screen: the monitor screen at my studio, or the macbook screen out of the studio.
I am experiencing that several things I have been using for the macbook screen (with notch) are not useful for the monitor, and others should be changed (I am talking mainly of visual things, like Floating Menus or menubar icons).
So I would like to get some advice from you of what is the best approach for this question.
Let's say I have one floating menu that must be hidden if I use the macbook screen but it must be shown if I use the monitor. What would be the best way?
I have configured two triggers that assign 1 to the variable "isBenqMonitorConnected" if the monitor is connected and 0 if it's not connected. Both triggers also show a HUD overlay informing about the monitor status and the value of the variable:
BTT detects the connection of the screen, but it seems to never detect the disconnection. Furthermore, it seems that BTT understand every disconnection as a connection.
These are the responses I am getting from BTT, step by step:
1-If I connect my macbook (lip closed) to the monitor, the HUD is shown notifying the monitor connection and the value (1) of the variable.
2-If I open the lip of the macbook, the same HUD is shown again (in both screens).
3-I close the lip again, and the same HUD is shown.
4-I disconnect the thunderbolt-4 cable from my macbook with the lid closed. Then I open the lid and I get again the HUD overlay saying the monitor is connected. The variable still has the value of 1 instead of 0.
5-I connect the thunderbolt-4 cable again to the macbook, this time with the lid opened. The HUD is shown again saying the monitor is connected.
6-I disconnect the thunderbolt-4 cable from my macbook, this time with the lid opened. I get again the HUD overlay saying the monitor is connected. The variable still has the value of 1 instead of 0.
So, in any case, I get the HUD saying that the monitor is disconnected, and the variable never changes to zero.
I think I found an issue with the disconnect action. I'll fix that later.
For now you could make use of a conditional activation group via the new connected_screens variable, or you can directly query that variable.