A floating menu for a particular app is displayed on all apps

Add a floating menu to a specific app, the floating menu in all app displays, how to solve this problem, previously would not,OK

I can confirm. I set up a floating menu in InDesign that mimics the toolbox, but with the tools I use most, along with additional scripts and extensions. When it’s activated in BetterTouchTool and thus active in Indesign, it stays visible even if I switch from InDesign to other programs like Finder. That didn’t used to happen. I’m running the latest alpha versions and would estimate that this behavior started about two or three weeks ago. I tried to hide it using conditions, but that didn’t work either.

thanks for reporting! Will be fixed with the next alpha

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could you check whether 4.781 resolves this? For some reason I haven't been able to reproduce it here but I have an idea what change is responsible.

Looks promising so far. I’ll run it through a full production cycle on Monday and see if it passes the stress test. Thanks for the quick solution!

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I had the same problem. It has disappeared :slightly_smiling_face:

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