A utility to "Picture In Picture" any user-selected area of a window

4.256 adds opacity setting and keeps the aspect ratio. You can right-click to make the window ignore clicks (to be able to interact with the window behind it).

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Thanks for adding these! I like the opacity addition. I made a video to illustrate a desired use case that's hard for me to describe. In this tab, suppose I want to keep an eye on the chat window, but only that area of the window. But this area that I want to stream is of different dimensions than the window itself. Is there a way to change the shape/dimensions of the stream window so that it could match the shape of the area of interest (the chat window in this example)? Similar to cropping down on an image.

I can see how the interaction gets tricky, e.g., when dragging the edge of the stream window would that change the frame shape (crop), or resize the whole stream within it (as it does now). If the cropping is feasible, perhaps a modifier key can distinguish between the two.

Is this sort of thing possible with the current paradigm?


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hey guys, I am using yabai, and it's ultra buggy, I don't think it's the auto-tiling, since I've completely ingored BTT in it's config, anything else I need to ignore for the windows (including the floating ones)?